Hak Ja Han Moon

Frau Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon ist die Ehefrau von Sun Myung Moon und die Begründerin der Frauenföderation für Vereinigung und Weltfieden.

Frau Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon

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Your mind and body unite when you are truly 100 percent grateful

Your mind and body unite when you are truly 100 percent grateful. When this happens, those around you become happier. If you live your life with a heart of gratitude for the blessings heaven has given you, I think you will be able to create even more joy among those around you, and you will be able to spread these blessings to your family, society, nation and world.


My motto in life is 'How can I live today with more gratitude than yesterday?' I have tried to live a life in which I am more grateful today than I was yesterday, and in which I will be even more grateful tomorrow than I am today. It has been my life's goal to have gratitude in my heart every day. Right before True Father left for Danbury, he said, 'Please never complain. You should be grateful for the position you have been placed in, for when you become completely one through your gratitude, great miracles can take place.'

the body is designed to be a resonator

When you have prepared yourself to absorb into your body and mind 100 percent of God’s essential true love, which will live for the sake of others for tens of thousands of years, the roots of God’s love will be anchored in your heart. You will feel everything that He feels, and your body automatically will resonate with those feelings. In fact, the body is designed to be a resonator of the mind’s world based on true love. You have to realize that, in order to achieve 

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2024