Your task now is to empower your mind and subdue your body

Please consider your own life. I don’t think you can deny that your mind and body often fight each other. How much longer are you going to allow this fight to continue? Ten years? A hundred years? Or will it not end even when you die? All beings in the universe were designed to display a definite order. This means God did not create us to exist in the imperfect state in which we now find ourselves. Your task now is to empower your mind and subdue your body. The grace of God will be with you in this effort.

In the relationship between the mind and body, the mind is the more important of the two. The body persists for about a hundred years and then passes away, however the mind, or spirit, will live for eternity, transcendent of time and space. You may spend your days on earth eating and dressing extravagantly, yet someday you will die, and then what? You are better off setting a good spiritual standard and then aligning your physical life to that standard. Become a person of integrity and wholeness embracing both spirit and flesh.

P. 1292, par. 1-2

Der Geist muss gestärkt werden. Gottes Hilfe ist bei dieser Arbeit sicher.

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2025