Pyeong Hwa Gyeong

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Do that until you have gained three to four times your present power

A religious life consists of embracing the lifestyle of denying the body’s desires and conforming to the wishes of the mind. We must do it for a period of three to five years or even more, until it becomes habitual. After that, we are told to pray without ceasing. Since the mind easily falls prey to external influences, you need to offer devotions from the midway position. Do that until you have gained three to four times your present power.

the mind and heart is never exhausted

Although human beings are descended from the Fall, we were created originally with a dual structure, so that we can resemble the Original Parents and freely convey and enjoy vertical and horizontal love. Our mind, or heart, is our vertical self. To this day people live in distress because they do not have a correct understanding of the mind. Buddhism and Confucianism have struggled to clarify the identity of the mind and heart, however it is impossible to understand the heart without correctly understanding the identity of God.

God needs you

Each of you, as individual truth bodies created by God, needs to cultivate your own character through applying the Principle and, with a fervent, passionate and pure mind, clear up and overthrow unrighteousness and evil. Although your body may be living in this fallen world, don’t allow Satan to influence you. Transcending the sorrows of the past, you have to become a model of hope. Don’t be depressed when you experience hardships; instead, look toward the future with a vision of hope. God does not need your particular skills or knowledge.

mind and body unity and one’s original mind at the center

It (Peace) depends on whether one can become a harmonious being, with mind and body in harmony and unity and one’s original mind at the center. When a person comes to have the heart of God and True Parents, he or she can begin to live fully for the sake of others and consistently lead a life where true love is at the center, a life in which the person can achieve true peace.

After the Fall, the human body became Satan’s dwelling place

Because of this conflict, the ideal of the true human potential has been hidden away in a dense fog and trapped behind a high fence. We must generate a wind of truth and love that is strong enough to sweep the fog away. We must tear down the mighty fence between our mind and body that stands so high as to pierce the sky. The course of overcoming this struggle is our destiny.

physical body, which is at war with the desire of the mind

Because of this conflict, the ideal of the true human potential has been hidden away in a dense fog and trapped behind a high fence. We must generate a wind of truth and love that is strong enough to sweep the fog away. We must tear down the mighty fence between our mind and body that stands so high as to pierce the sky. The course of overcoming this struggle is our destiny.

if human beings had not fallen

Originally, if human beings had not fallen, our mind and body, being centered on God’s love, would not contradict each other. Because of the Fall, however the mind and body came to stand in opposing positions. Therefore even if it were possible to somehow be transported to an ideal world, without each individual solving this mind-body problem and establishing a true standard of heart, living in such a world would not be ideal.

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2024