Mind-Body Unity

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When they unite, you have not five but ten sense organs.

What is the relationship between mind and body? There is a partnership between subject and object. They should both exist for the good of their partner. The mind lives for the body and the body for the mind. When they unite, you have not five but ten sense organs. You can then see the heavenly spiritual world and understand it. Everyone will hear the music that comes from heaven.

Deepl translaition

the body is designed to be a resonator

When you have prepared yourself to absorb into your body and mind 100 percent of God’s essential true love, which will live for the sake of others for tens of thousands of years, the roots of God’s love will be anchored in your heart. You will feel everything that He feels, and your body automatically will resonate with those feelings. In fact, the body is designed to be a resonator of the mind’s world based on true love. You have to realize that, in order to achieve 

The mind is not a part of the spirit

People may be confused and think that the mind is the spirit. The mind is not a part of the spirit world. Due to the Fall, the mind does not have a relationship with the spirit world. It may be easier for you to understand if you think of the mind of fallen human beings as a person who has no bones in his body. The mind of a fallen person has a form like a human body that has no bones.

expressing true love through actions

In other words, you have the responsibility to mature your spirit within your physical body based on the finite life you live in the tangible, physical world. This does not mean, however, that the maturing of a spirit self happens automatically. Your spirit self fully matures only on the basis of complete unity between your mind and body during your earthly life, which you achieve by expressing true love through actions.

increase the force of your conscience beyond the force of your body

Your conscience tells you to five for others according to the Principle. No matter how strong your body’s desire is, if you intentionally increase the force of your conscience beyond the force of your body, your body will follow it. If you cannot, you had better decrease your body’s force through fasting and asceticism. If clear water continually flows into a muddy pond, eventually the pond will become clear.

The conscience is the root of the mind

Unity between mind and body means to live in absolute obedience to the voice of the conscience. The conscience is the root of the mind. You must listen to your conscience that arises from within your mind, and be able to modify your course of action at anytime, anywhere, while remaining as clear as crystal. This is a necessary condition for becoming a true parent, a true teacher and a true leader.

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2024