Sun Myung Moon

Dr. Sun Myung MoonDr. Sun Myung Moon - Koreanischer Geistlicher

In seinem 16. Lebensjahr am Ostermorgen 1936, hatte Sun Myung Moon in einem tiefem Gebet, eine mystische Begegnung mit Jesus. In dieser Vision wurde er aufgefordert, Jesu unvollendetes Werk aufzunehmen und das Königreich Gottes auf Erden zu errichten. In den darauffolgenden Jahren hatte er zahlreiche geistige Erlebnisse in denen er die Inhalte des Göttlichen Prinzips offenbart erhalten hat. Diese Offenbarungen geben Aufschluss über Gottes Wesen, seinen Schöpfungszweck und sein wirken in der Geschichte hindurch bis hin zur heutigen Zeit.


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Diskriminierung von Sun Myung Moon und seinen Anhängern


Angezeigt 31 - 40 von 44

Das menschliche Gemüt

Das menschliche Gemüt besteht aus geistigem Gemüt und physischem Gemüt. Das Verhältnis der beiden Gemüter entspricht dem von Sông Sang und Hyông Sang. Wenn sie durch Geben und Empfangen mit Gott im Mittelpunkt eins werden, bilden sie eine als Einheit fungierende Wesenheit, die das Geistige Selbst und das Physische Selbst dazu anleitet, ein harmonisches Verhältnis einzugehen und den Schöpfungszweck zu verwirklichen. Diese vereinigte Wesenheit bezeichnen wir als Gemüt eines Menschen.

While our spiritual and physical minds remain under Satan's slavery

As long as our mental and physical temperament is subject to the bondage of Satan, the functional being, which is formed in giving and receiving, must be called an evil temperament. The evil temperament incessantly drives man to do evil. Our original temperament and our conscience prompt us to reject the evil temperament. They lead us, with desperate effort, to deny evil desire and to hold on to good, tearing apart the shackles of Satan and turning to God.

state of empathy with God

The path of following Heaven’s Will in a state of empathy with God is not one that many people can find through common sense. I would like to tell you, however, that a person who opens his or her original mind and exercises keen insight can discover a new consciousness by which to perceive the spirit world and the Will of God, who is alive and carries out His work in the world of reality.

The mind is not a part of the spirit

People may be confused and think that the mind is the spirit. The mind is not a part of the spirit world. Due to the Fall, the mind does not have a relationship with the spirit world. It may be easier for you to understand if you think of the mind of fallen human beings as a person who has no bones in his body. The mind of a fallen person has a form like a human body that has no bones.

our internal organs will receive stimulation and vibrate with emotion

The more we approach God, following our conscientious minds, the more we can feel peace, happiness and fulfillment within our hearts. If we follow God’s love, which is the womb of peace, our internal organs will receive stimulation and vibrate with emotion. After living our lives in this way, we will end them gloriously and with confidence.

the mind and heart is never exhausted

Although human beings are descended from the Fall, we were created originally with a dual structure, so that we can resemble the Original Parents and freely convey and enjoy vertical and horizontal love. Our mind, or heart, is our vertical self. To this day people live in distress because they do not have a correct understanding of the mind. Buddhism and Confucianism have struggled to clarify the identity of the mind and heart, however it is impossible to understand the heart without correctly understanding the identity of God.

mind and body unity and one’s original mind at the center

It (Peace) depends on whether one can become a harmonious being, with mind and body in harmony and unity and one’s original mind at the center. When a person comes to have the heart of God and True Parents, he or she can begin to live fully for the sake of others and consistently lead a life where true love is at the center, a life in which the person can achieve true peace.

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2024