Dr. Sun Myung MoonDr. Sun Myung Moon - Korean clergyman

At the age of 16, on Easter morning in 1936, Sun Myung Moon had a mystical encounter with Jesus in a deep prayer. In this vision, he was asked to take up Jesus' unfinished work and establish the Kingdom of God on earth. In the years that followed, he had numerous spiritual experiences in which he received revelations of the Divine Principle. These revelations shed light on God's nature, his purpose of creation and his work throughout history right up to the present day.

Vereinigungskirche Wikipedia

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Diskriminierung von Sun Myung Moon und seinen Anhängern


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You can get rid of your old habits.

Habits can last forever; it is so hard to change them. But still, they can be changed while you live on earth. You can eliminate your old habits by overlaying and overriding them with new habits.
You must start now. If you don't, you will have problems when you enter the Spiritual World. Once you are there, you will realize that you have been caught. 

Famous saints of Christianity and important monks of Buddhism are friends

Many types of religions have developed. Since people's cultural backgrounds are different, this was inevitable. There are five billion people outside the Christian cultural sphere. Do all people who do not believe in Jesus go to to hell? No! Christians claim this because they don't know any better. When you go into the spiritual world, you realize that Confucius and Jesus are friends. Buddha and Mohammed are friends. Famous saints of Christianity and important monks of Buddhism are friends. A curtain is the only thing between them; they all belong to the tribe of God.

In spirit and in truth

Saint Paul was originally an intellectual, but since he was struck by spiritual lightning from heaven on the road to Damascus, he changed his mind and went on by faith instead of his head. He felt that by searching internally one found an explosive path rather than by searching externally, which led him to deny everything that was external and to start respecting things that were internal. Through this, he became a standard-bearer of the new Christian revolution.

The awareness that God exists is more important than anything else

The phrase “God exists” is not an empty one. It is not that we deduce the necessity of God's existence by understanding the subject-object partner relationship through the Principle. It is that God existed before we came into existence, that He existed before we could think, and that He leads our senses and our whole beings. This awareness is more important than anything else. The basic point is that awareness precedes knowledge, not the other way around.

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