Sun Myung Moon

Dr. Sun Myung MoonDr. Sun Myung Moon - Korean clergyman

At the age of 16, on Easter morning in 1936, Sun Myung Moon had a mystical encounter with Jesus in a deep prayer. In this vision, he was asked to take up Jesus' unfinished work and establish the Kingdom of God on earth. In the years that followed, he had numerous spiritual experiences in which he received revelations of the Divine Principle. These revelations shed light on God's nature, his purpose of creation and his work throughout history right up to the present day.

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our internal organs will receive stimulation and vibrate with emotion

The more we approach God, following our conscientious minds, the more we can feel peace, happiness and fulfillment within our hearts. If we follow God’s love, which is the womb of peace, our internal organs will receive stimulation and vibrate with emotion. After living our lives in this way, we will end them gloriously and with confidence.

the mind and heart is never exhausted

Although human beings are descended from the Fall, we were created originally with a dual structure, so that we can resemble the Original Parents and freely convey and enjoy vertical and horizontal love. Our mind, or heart, is our vertical self. To this day people live in distress because they do not have a correct understanding of the mind. Buddhism and Confucianism have struggled to clarify the identity of the mind and heart, however it is impossible to understand the heart without correctly understanding the identity of God.

mind and body unity and one’s original mind at the center

It (Peace) depends on whether one can become a harmonious being, with mind and body in harmony and unity and one’s original mind at the center. When a person comes to have the heart of God and True Parents, he or she can begin to live fully for the sake of others and consistently lead a life where true love is at the center, a life in which the person can achieve true peace.

After the Fall, the human body became Satan’s dwelling place

Because of this conflict, the ideal of the true human potential has been hidden away in a dense fog and trapped behind a high fence. We must generate a wind of truth and love that is strong enough to sweep the fog away. We must tear down the mighty fence between our mind and body that stands so high as to pierce the sky. The course of overcoming this struggle is our destiny.

Therefore, you must meditate and pray.

When people are confident, they have a place deep in their hearts where the soul can feel comfortable. Your mind should find the way to this place. When it has slept away some of its fatigue, it will become sensitive again. If you use this moment to focus your mind without any other thoughts in your head, then you will be able to figure everything else out. Thus, you must meditate and pray.

meditation, self-discipline, etc. This is very stupid

Some people try to grow spiritually, develop their own spititual life and reach God through meditation, self-discipline, etc. This is very stupid. The one who goes to God fastest and achives the closest position is the one who loves others and witnesses to them in order to bring them to God. You can grow much faster snd develop much mor quickly. Don't just meditate for you own spirit. You may draw some spirits, but not God. No matter how much you pray, it doesn't do much good if you are only centered upon yourself. Allways love others.

God will come to you.

God dwells where there is total unity. Where would you want to meet God? At the top of a hill? In New York? The place to meet God is in your heart and mind.

If you make yourself a dwelling place of God then you do not have to go to God; God will come to you.

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2025