Sun Myung Moon

Dr. Sun Myung MoonDr. Sun Myung Moon - Korean clergyman

At the age of 16, on Easter morning in 1936, Sun Myung Moon had a mystical encounter with Jesus in a deep prayer. In this vision, he was asked to take up Jesus' unfinished work and establish the Kingdom of God on earth. In the years that followed, he had numerous spiritual experiences in which he received revelations of the Divine Principle. These revelations shed light on God's nature, his purpose of creation and his work throughout history right up to the present day.

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Displayed 21 - 30 of 47

This is why Buddhism encourages us to meditate

Our mind constantly redirects us along our way. It tells us, “Turn around. Return to the ancient place. Return to the deepest place in your mind.” This is why Buddhism encourages us to meditate. The reality of our life on earth is that through our original mind’s guidance we sorrowfully seek our original selves. Once we have purified ourselves and returned to the ancient place, it is excruciating to recall our past, even in dreams. God’s goal is to eliminate this kind of sorrow-filled life.

Achieving the realm of resurrection of heart

The standard of perfection will be established by achieving the realm of resurrection of heart, with
God's love manifested on earth. Thus, I proclaimed the Day of the Resurrection of Heart centering on that
realm of resurrection in the Unification Church. The resurrection of heart is the foundation for the
resurrection of substance. Ultimately we become one with God centering on that oneness of heart and the
love of God and, centering on that oneness of heart and the love of God, the body must become one.

The spiritual world is praying for the physical world

25. During the third seven-year course, you need to head toward the world level, no matter what it takes.
Not only God but also Jesus and the numerous saints in the spirit world are saying, "You have come this
far, so please take one more step. You can go on to the next level with just this one more step." To this
end, just as we pray in support of the spiritual world, the spiritual world is praying for the physical world.

That is the reason unification will be realized. Until now, we have worked to help the spirit world, but

Gottes erster Segen - persönliche Vollkommenheit

Der Schlüssel zu Gottes erstem Segen ist die Vervollkommnung des individuellen Charakters. Geist und Körper eines Individuums sind getrennte Ausformungen und Objektpartner der polaren Wesenszüge Gottes. Will ein Individuum seinen Charakter vervollkommnen, muss es eine Vier-Positionen-Grundstruktur in sich selbst verwirklichen, wobei sein Geist und Körper durch Geben und Empfangen mit Gott im Mittelpunkt eins werden. Solche Individuen werden zu Gottes Tempeln18, gelangen zur vollen Einheit mit Ihm19 und entwickeln eine göttliche Natur.

Religion requires a lifestyle of denying the desires of the body

Religion requires a lifestyle of denying the desires of the body and following the dictates of the mind

Humankind consists of men and women. And each of them has two sides, mind and body. In believing in a religion, do you believe in it with your mind and body or with only your mind? It would be ideal for you to believe in it with your mind and body united. When they are not united, God centers first on the mind, which is the subject partner, in order to bring them into oneness.

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2025