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ihre spirituelle Natur wiedererlangen

Als Ergebnis des Falls entstand ein Konflikt zwischen unserem Geist und unserem Körper. Um uns zu kontrollieren, nutzt Satan unseren Körper als seinen Stützpunkt. Er hat uns von unserer ursprünglichen Natur und geistigen Natur abgewendet und hin zu Versuchen, unsere egoistischen und individualistischen Wünsche zu befriedigen. Der einzige Weg, Satan's Herrschaft zu entkommen, liegt innerhalb Gottes Linie der wahren Liebe.

expressing true love through actions

In other words, you have the responsibility to mature your spirit within your physical body based on the finite life you live in the tangible, physical world. This does not mean, however, that the maturing of a spirit self happens automatically. Your spirit self fully matures only on the basis of complete unity between your mind and body during your earthly life, which you achieve by expressing true love through actions.

meditation, self-discipline, etc. This is very stupid

Some people try to grow spiritually, develop their own spititual life and reach God through meditation, self-discipline, etc. This is very stupid. The one who goes to God fastest and achives the closest position is the one who loves others and witnesses to them in order to bring them to God. You can grow much faster snd develop much mor quickly. Don't just meditate for you own spirit. You may draw some spirits, but not God. No matter how much you pray, it doesn't do much good if you are only centered upon yourself. Allways love others.

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2025