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the body is designed to be a resonator

When you have prepared yourself to absorb into your body and mind 100 percent of God’s essential true love, which will live for the sake of others for tens of thousands of years, the roots of God’s love will be anchored in your heart. You will feel everything that He feels, and your body automatically will resonate with those feelings. In fact, the body is designed to be a resonator of the mind’s world based on true love. You have to realize that, in order to achieve 

the physical self resonates in harmony with the conscience

When you have attained oneness in true love, you can attain a perfect score as a person of precious value. Mind- body unity refers to the state in which the physical self resonates in harmony with the conscience. When you strike one prong of a tuning fork, the other prong vibrates at the same frequency. Similarly, when you strike the conscience with true love, the physical self resonates with it. Conversely, when you strike the physical self with true love, the conscience resonates with it. In that state, you do not need any moral education.

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2025