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Das Ziel des menschlichen Lebens

Leider herrscht hierüber Unwissenheit bei den Menschen außerhalb der Kirche, doch auch bei vielen innerhalb der Kirche. Sie meinen, das Ziel unseres Lebens sei im besten Fall unsere moralische Besserung, d.h. dass wir bessere Menschen werden. Doch das Evangelium, die Überlieferung der Kirche und die heiligen Väter lehren uns, dass das nicht das Ziel unseres Lebens ist, d.h. dass der Mensch besser wird als er ist – sittlicher, gerechter, enthaltsamer, achtsamer.

I had the answers within me.

I am not sloppy. I researched to find the principles of the universe and revealed them. Did I have to endure so many difficulties throughout my entire life in this world to discover them? When I discovered them, I was astonished, as it turned out that I had the answers all along. I had the answers within me. Therefore, when you enter the spiritual world and reach an ethereal state and cry out, "Where is God?", the answer will come from within you, "Yes, here I am." It is from here that the maxim "Humans are God" can be derived. (191‑43, 24.06.1989)

I am in your heart!

In 1 Cor 3:16 it says: "Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" This means that we are His temples. When you reach a mystical state and offer Him a prayer, asking: "Heavenly Father, where are You?", you will be rewarded with a wonderful answer. He will say: "I am here! What's going on here? Didn't you get anything for breakfast?

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2025