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If we have completely focused our spirit on the presence of God

If persistent and pure prayer has freed us from all earthly charms and you regard them all as shadows, and if we have completely focused our spirit on the presence of God, then a covenant partner arises for us in the love of God. The pleading call to prayer causes love for God to bubble up in our soul like a spring, seizing our spirit and allowing it to behold a mysterious land. 

our internal organs will receive stimulation and vibrate with emotion

The more we approach God, following our conscientious minds, the more we can feel peace, happiness and fulfillment within our hearts. If we follow God’s love, which is the womb of peace, our internal organs will receive stimulation and vibrate with emotion. After living our lives in this way, we will end them gloriously and with confidence.

Therefore, you must meditate and pray.

When people are confident, they have a place deep in their hearts where the soul can feel comfortable. Your mind should find the way to this place. When it has slept away some of its fatigue, it will become sensitive again. If you use this moment to focus your mind without any other thoughts in your head, then you will be able to figure everything else out. Thus, you must meditate and pray.

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2025