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God feels to an even greater extent than we do.

Can the absolute God be sad? Can the all-knowing and all-powerful God avoid sadness? Can He understand sorrow? These are serious questions that I cannot take lightly. We cannot maintain the belief that the absolute God can be the Father of humanity and yet never experience sorrow. Here, there would be a logical contradiction, as this would fundamentally distance God, the Father, from His children who possess intellect, feeling, and will, and who experience feelings of joy, anger, suffering, and pleasure.

What kind of divine being is God?

What kind of divine being is God? He is a personal God with intellect, emotion, and will. Since this personal God longs for love the most, he created humans as his partners in love. This is an amazing fact.

How did God, the first cause, shape humans? He created us in his own image. This means that the Father is similar to us just as we are similar to him. This leads us to the answer. What will we discover about his nature in our quest to understand God? If we conclude: "He is someone like me," then we are exactly right.

Deshalb muss Gott ein Subjektpartner sein, der Freude, Zorn, Leid und Vergnügen fühlen kann

Kann der absolute Gott traurig sein? Kann der allwissende und allmächtige Gott Traurigkeit vermeiden? Kann Er Kummer verstehen? Das sind ernste Fragen, die ich nicht auf die leichte Schulter nehmen kann. Wir können nicht die Meinung aufrechterhalten, dass der absolute Gott der Vater der Menschheit sein kann und dennoch nie Kummer erfährt. Hier wäre ein logischer Widerspruch, denn dies würde Gott, den Vater, von Seinen Kindern fundamental distanzieren, die Intellekt, Gefühl und Willen besitzen und die Gefühle von Freude, Zorn, Leid und Vergnügen erleben.

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2025