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Your mind and body unite when you are truly 100 percent grateful

Your mind and body unite when you are truly 100 percent grateful. When this happens, those around you become happier. If you live your life with a heart of gratitude for the blessings heaven has given you, I think you will be able to create even more joy among those around you, and you will be able to spread these blessings to your family, society, nation and world.

Das menschliche Gemüt

Das menschliche Gemüt besteht aus geistigem Gemüt und physischem Gemüt. Das Verhältnis der beiden Gemüter entspricht dem von Sông Sang und Hyông Sang. Wenn sie durch Geben und Empfangen mit Gott im Mittelpunkt eins werden, bilden sie eine als Einheit fungierende Wesenheit, die das Geistige Selbst und das Physische Selbst dazu anleitet, ein harmonisches Verhältnis einzugehen und den Schöpfungszweck zu verwirklichen. Diese vereinigte Wesenheit bezeichnen wir als Gemüt eines Menschen.

While our spiritual and physical minds remain under Satan's slavery

As long as our mental and physical temperament is subject to the bondage of Satan, the functional being, which is formed in giving and receiving, must be called an evil temperament. The evil temperament incessantly drives man to do evil. Our original temperament and our conscience prompt us to reject the evil temperament. They lead us, with desperate effort, to deny evil desire and to hold on to good, tearing apart the shackles of Satan and turning to God.

God feels to an even greater extent than we do.

Can the absolute God be sad? Can the all-knowing and all-powerful God avoid sadness? Can He understand sorrow? These are serious questions that I cannot take lightly. We cannot maintain the belief that the absolute God can be the Father of humanity and yet never experience sorrow. Here, there would be a logical contradiction, as this would fundamentally distance God, the Father, from His children who possess intellect, feeling, and will, and who experience feelings of joy, anger, suffering, and pleasure.

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2025