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Mystical aspects of the Reformation (Martin Luther)

This liberation was only possible through a deepening of the religious spirit in general and a more vivid understanding of the early history of Christianity. We must see this religious deepening and this freer historical understanding as the two most powerful driving forces behind the intellectual transformation before Luther's time. From the depths of religious sentiment and the moral consciousness it inspired, as well as from the earliest written documents from the time of the first Church, the Christian spirit drew its renewal, and the Church experienced its rebirth.

When they unite, you have not five but ten sense organs.

What is the relationship between mind and body? There is a partnership between subject and object. They should both exist for the good of their partner. The mind lives for the body and the body for the mind. When they unite, you have not five but ten sense organs. You can then see the heavenly spiritual world and understand it. Everyone will hear the music that comes from heaven.

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