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Die Liebe ist die Energiequelle des Gemütes

Die Liebe ist die Energiequelle des Gemütes. Wenn wir uns demgemäß mit Gott verbinden und kolossale Energie entfalten durch den Vorgang des Gebens und Empfangens, können wir unsere Einheit hundert- und tausendmal steigern.

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Das Herz ist das Innerste des Gefühls

Das Herz ist das Innerste des Gefühls (im englischen Text steht: mind of emotion). Unsere tiefsten Gefühle gehören zum Bereich des Herzens. Gott schuf den Menschen. Daher ist das Fließen des Herzens Gottes innerlich mit diesem Ort verbunden.

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achieving the realm of resurrection of heart

The standard of perfection will be established by achieving the realm of resurrection of heart, with
God's love manifested on earth. Thus, I proclaimed the Day of the Resurrection of Heart centering on that

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Setzt euch mit euerem Gemüt an einen ruhigen Ort und meditiert

Ihr solltet Euch Zeit nehmen, Freude mit euerem Gemüt zu erleben. Für andere mag es so aussehen, als ob ihr ganz alleine seid; aber während dieser Zeit sollt ihr euch mit euerem Gemüt anfreunden.

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Intensivierung der Wahrnehmung

Instead, cultivate a joyful mind

Dear guests, don’t give your conscience any more grief. Don’t disobey its call. Disobeying the voice of your conscience only brings sorrow to your heart. It brings sorrow to your parents, to your teachers, and even to God.

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state of empathy with God

The path of following Heaven’s Will in a state of empathy with God is not one that many people can find through common sense.

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geistigen Wirklichkeiten durch die fünf physischen Sinne erkannt werden

Ein Geistiges Selbst reift als göttlicher Geist zur Vollendung, wenn sich Geistiges Selbst und Physisches Selbst eines Menschen durch vollkommenes, auf Gott ausgerichtetes Geben und Empfangen vereinigen und die Vier-Positionen-Grundstruktur bilden

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Körper in Resonanz

the physical self resonates in harmony with the conscience

When you have attained oneness in true love, you can attain a perfect score as a person of precious value.

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the body is designed to be a resonator

When you have prepared yourself to absorb into your body and mind 100 percent of God’s essential true love, which will live for the sake of others for tens of thousands of years, the roots of God’s love will be anchored in your heart.

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geistigen Wirklichkeiten durch die fünf physischen Sinne erkannt werden

Ein Geistiges Selbst reift als göttlicher Geist zur Vollendung, wenn sich Geistiges Selbst und Physisches Selbst eines Menschen durch vollkommenes, auf Gott ausgerichtetes Geben und Empfangen vereinigen und die Vier-Positionen-Grundstruktur bilden

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Erben und Erleben von Gottes wahrer Liebe

Die Menschen, wie sie ursprünglich geschaffen wurden, hätten mit Gottes wahrer Liebe in ihrem Gemüt und Körper leben sollen und hätten so Gottes Liebe

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Körper und Geistige Welt

After the Fall, the human body became Satan’s dwelling place

Because of this conflict, the ideal of the true human potential has been hidden away in a dense fog and trapped behind a high fence. We must generate a wind of truth and love that is strong enough to sweep the fog away.

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recover their spiritual nature

As a result of the Fall, conflict arose between our mind and body. To control us, Satan uses our body as his stronghold.

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Meditation und Gebet

meditation, self-discipline, etc. This is very stupid

Some people try to grow spiritually, develop their own spititual life and reach God through meditation, self-discipline, etc. This is very stupid.

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Somit müsst ihr meditieren und beten

Wenn Menschen selbstbewusst sind, haben sie tief in ihrem Herzen einen Ort, wo das Gemüt sich wohlfühlen kann. Euer Geist sollte den Weg zu diesem Platz finden.

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our internal organs will receive stimulation and vibrate with emotion

The more we approach God, following our conscientious minds, the more we can feel peace, happiness and fulfillment within our hearts. If we follow God’s love, which is the womb of peace, our internal organs will rec

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the revolution of heart

The second part of shedding the fallen nature comes from the fact that, by no fault of our own, we are descendants of the Fall and have inherited fallen nature from birth.

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Setzt euch mit euerem Gemüt an einen ruhigen Ort und meditiert

Ihr solltet Euch Zeit nehmen, Freude mit euerem Gemüt zu erleben. Für andere mag es so aussehen, als ob ihr ganz alleine seid; aber während dieser Zeit sollt ihr euch mit euerem Gemüt anfreunden.

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This is why Buddhism encourages us to meditate

Our mind constantly redirects us along our way. It tells us, “Turn around. Return to the ancient place. Return to the deepest place in your mind.” This is why Buddhism encourages us to meditate.

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In a state of unity between his mind and body, he (Buddha) was saying

Once you enter a state of love, you will find that each and every being exists as the only, unique being. When the Buddha said, "In heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one," he was not speaking casually.

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Zen meditation focus on the question, “What is the mind?”

In order to have spiritual experiences, first you need to pray. You need to focus your mind. If you can, you should descend to the zero point. What is the quickest way to achieve this?

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Menschen lieben

meditation, self-discipline, etc. This is very stupid

Some people try to grow spiritually, develop their own spititual life and reach God through meditation, self-discipline, etc. This is very stupid.

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Live a life for the sake of others

We must meet the True Parents, and achieve mind-body oneness and unity of thought by learning from them how to practice true love and how to live a life for the sake of others.

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expressing true love through actions

In other words, you have the responsibility to mature your spirit within your physical body based on the finite life you live in the tangible, physical world.

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recover their spiritual nature

As a result of the Fall, conflict arose between our mind and body. To control us, Satan uses our body as his stronghold.

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Nähe zu Gott

True love takes root in your heart so that you feel everything that God feels

Anyone who follows the teachings of Rev. Moon can make their body submit and unite with their mind one hundred percent.

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the body is designed to be a resonator

When you have prepared yourself to absorb into your body and mind 100 percent of God’s essential true love, which will live for the sake of others for tens of thousands of years, the roots of God’s love will be anchored in your heart.

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state of empathy with God

The path of following Heaven’s Will in a state of empathy with God is not one that many people can find through common sense.

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Gottes erster Segen - persönliche Vollkommenheit

Der Schlüssel zu Gottes erstem Segen ist die Vervollkommnung des individuellen Charakters. Geist und Körper eines Individuums sind getrennte Ausformungen und Objektpartner der polaren Wesenszüge Gottes.

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Öffnen des Herzens

Instead, cultivate a joyful mind

Dear guests, don’t give your conscience any more grief. Don’t disobey its call. Disobeying the voice of your conscience only brings sorrow to your heart. It brings sorrow to your parents, to your teachers, and even to God.

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Prozess Gott näher zu kommen

God will come to you.

God dwells where there is total unity. Where would you want to meet God? At the top of a hill? In New York? The place to meet God is in your heart and mind.

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state of empathy with God

The path of following Heaven’s Will in a state of empathy with God is not one that many people can find through common sense.

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Prozess zur Geist-Körper-Einheit

Only when they are unified through true love

Only when they are unified through true love, can the mind and body return to the state where God dwells within them.

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only one way to resolve the conflict

Oneness with God in heart, body and mindset

I discovered that there is only one way to resolve the conflict between mind and body, and that is the way of true love.

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freedom, peace and happiness is attainable only

The ideal of genuine freedom, peace and happiness is attainable only when the mind and body become one focusing on true love.

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mind and body unity and one’s original mind at the center

It (Peace) depends on whether one can become a harmonious being, with mind and body in harmony and unity and one’s original mind at the center. When a person comes to have the heart of God and True Parents, he or she ca

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Do that until you have gained three to four times your present power

A religious life consists of embracing the lifestyle of denying the body’s desires and conforming to the wishes of the mind. We must do it for a period of three to five years or even more, until it becomes habitual.

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increase the force of your conscience beyond the force of your body

Your conscience tells you to five for others according to the Principle.

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My motto in life is 'How can I live today with more gratitude than yesterday?' I have tried to live a life in which I am more grateful today than I was yesterday, and in which I will be even more grateful tomorrow than I am toda

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Your mind and body unite when you are truly 100 percent grateful

Your mind and body unite when you are truly 100 percent grateful. When this happens, those around you become happier.

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Reiner Glaube

Revolution des Herzens

the revolution of heart

The second part of shedding the fallen nature comes from the fact that, by no fault of our own, we are descendants of the Fall and have inherited fallen nature from birth.

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achieving the realm of resurrection of heart

The standard of perfection will be established by achieving the realm of resurrection of heart, with
God's love manifested on earth. Thus, I proclaimed the Day of the Resurrection of Heart centering on that

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Stellenwert von Wissen

Aus Unwissenheit können keine wahren Gefühle erwachsen

Für den gefallenen Menschen bedeutet Wissen das Licht des Lebens, das ihm Kraft für einen Neubeginn gibt, während Unwissenheit für ihn der Schatten des Todes und der Rand des Abgrunds ist.

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Ursprüngliches Gemüt

self-centeredness. It is the root of fallen nature

Unity of mind and body is impossible unless you practice love’s absolute values, where you give yourself for the sake of others completely. Please discard self-centeredness. It is the root of fallen nature.

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My motto in life is 'How can I live today with more gratitude than yesterday?' I have tried to live a life in which I am more grateful today than I was yesterday, and in which I will be even more grateful tomorrow than I am toda

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Your mind and body unite when you are truly 100 percent grateful

Your mind and body unite when you are truly 100 percent grateful. When this happens, those around you become happier.

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Der buddhistische Ausdruck wäre, dass ihr eure innere Natur reinigen müsst.

Der Lehrer, der euch am nächsten steht, ist euer eigenes, ursprüngliches Gemüt. Euer ursprüngliches Gemüt ist wertvoller als euer engster Freund, ja sogar wertvoller als euer Vater oder eure Mutter.

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Verantwortung übernehmen

Individual perfection begins with unity of mind and body

Individual perfection begins with unity of mind and body

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© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2024