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In spirit and in truth

Saint Paul was originally an intellectual, but since he was struck by spiritual lightning from heaven on the road to Damascus, he changed his mind and went on by faith instead of his head. He felt that by searching internally one found an explosive path rather than by searching externally, which led him to deny everything that was external and to start respecting things that were internal. Through this, he became a standard-bearer of the new Christian revolution.

The awareness that God exists is more important than anything else

The phrase “God exists” is not an empty one. It is not that we deduce the necessity of God's existence by understanding the subject-object partner relationship through the Principle. It is that God existed before we came into existence, that He existed before we could think, and that He leads our senses and our whole beings. This awareness is more important than anything else. The basic point is that awareness precedes knowledge, not the other way around.

The ceremony for changing the lineage

People in today’s world who flaunt their pedigrees and parade their degrees as marks of social distinction, are
unaware that their births were spiritually sullied. They do not know that they were born with the love, life and lineage of Satan; God’s enemy. This is a serious problem. Due to the Fall, people have been born from Satan’s love which was passed down to their parents. Satan’s blood has made its way down through the lives of

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2025