The ceremony for changing the lineage

People in today’s world who flaunt their pedigrees and parade their degrees as marks of social distinction, are
unaware that their births were spiritually sullied. They do not know that they were born with the love, life and lineage of Satan; God’s enemy. This is a serious problem. Due to the Fall, people have been born from Satan’s love which was passed down to their parents. Satan’s blood has made its way down through the lives of
our mothers and fathers to us in the present day. The fruit of those three then, is you. As such, you all belong to the satanic lineage. In other words, Satan’s blood is running through your veins. Therefore, he automatically bears his ideal fruit while God strives to redeem those very men and women and transform them into originally pure and perfect people. You all began from Satan’s love and are born from his lineage.
Since your start was all wrong, you must return to the original point. As we originated from false parents, we need to return and start anew from true parents. How serious is this? It is imperative to inherit God’s love, life and lineage afresh.
That is why, when you receive the Blessing, you undergo the ceremony for changing the lineage. You must believe in this more than your own life.

S. 570:1 Buch 5:1.9.1. The wrong standard of birth

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2025