You can get rid of your old habits.

Habits can last forever; it is so hard to change them. But still, they can be changed while you live on earth. You can eliminate your old habits by overlaying and overriding them with new habits.
You must start now. If you don't, you will have problems when you enter the Spiritual World. Once you are there, you will realize that you have been caught. 

When a snake sheds its skin, it will crawl around until it finds a crevice where its tail gets caught. It will then wind its body around a tree and rub against it with all its might, even bleeding, to shed its skin. Only after you have passed the illogical, non-principle-based course can you go through the logical, principle-based course.
Even if all people recognize that they have fallen, they must go through this inevitable model course, which is not principle-based. 


AI translated from German

© BLI - Thomas Schuh 2025